Effective Date: Sept 2024

Blazing Hog’s Fair Use Policy describes how we manage our
network traffic and assign customer data based on the Service Plan.


Balancing Supply and Demand. Blazing Hog is a finite resource that will continue to grow as we launch additional satellites. To serve the greatest number of people with high speed internet, we must manage the network to balance Blazing Hog supply with user demand, which is impacted by such factors as service location and usage time. Traffic Neutrality. We treat internet traffic equally, without discrimination based on content, sender, application or service. Network management practices are deployed based on technical requirements for specific categories of traffic. These practices are applied in an “application-agnostic” manner, meaning that the treatment of traffic is independent of the content data. Network Integrity. We reserve the right to take additional network management measures as necessary to (1) comply with applicable laws, (2) preserve the integrity and security of the network, including but not limited to, analyzing traffic patterns to optimize Services and prevent the distribution of viruses or other malicious code, and (3) prevent or mitigate network congestion on the Services, including reducing speeds for some or all users. Distributing Data Based on Service Plan. We seek to distribute data among our users in a fair and equitable manner by (1) implementing network management policies when the demand for network resources actually exceeds supply, and (2) allowing users to choose among Service Plans at various price points depending on how much prioritized Service is right for their needs.


Residential Service Plan. The Residential Service Plan assigns an unlimited amount of “Residential” data each month to customers. The Residential Service Plan is designed for personal, family, or household use. Blazing Hog seeks to distribute Residential data among our users in a fair and equitable manner. The Residential Service Plan is not permitted for business or enterprise uses. If bandwidth patterns consistently exceed what is allocated to a typical residential user, Blazing Hog may take network management measures, such as temporarily reducing a customer’s speeds, to prevent or mitigate congestion of the Services. Bandwidth intensive applications, such as streaming videos, gaming, or downloading large files are most likely to be impacted by such actions. Residential Service Plan customers with high bandwidth needs should consider upgrading to a Priority Service Plan. See the Terms of Service and the FAQs for more details.


Stated speeds and uninterrupted use of Services are not
guaranteed. Actual speeds may be lower during times of high usage. Blazing Hog
may temporarily reduce speeds if our network is congested.


Service may not be used for medical monitoring or unmanned
vehicle control.